During the last decade, the number of accommodation offers for foreign tourists has increased in all Russian cities. It is not difficult for guests to select a hotel or apartments of any price category. Prior to the pandemic, tourist flows rose, values of hospitality industry tended to rise. Moscow and Saint Petersburg have often got high international estimates as the cities being ones of the most attractive in the world for foreigners’ visits. Often, these cities are first visited by foreigners, and leisure opinion is the reason for further trips throughout Russia.

In autumn 2021, Moscow took the fourth position in international ranking The World‘s 100 Best Cities. “Our city ranks among international cultural and civilization centers. And owing to complex development programs launched recently, we were able to strengthen positions in all key areas: we have consolidated the economics, increased the innovative potential, developed the digital ecosystem for citizens and business. We have set up a new quality standard of urban environment” – Natalya Sergunina, deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow City Government – head of the Administrative Office of the Mayor of Moscow and Moscow City Government told at portal

State development programs and the market being adapted under client needs work not only in Moscow which increases touristic attractiveness of other Russian cities. Significant funds have been invested in accommodation objects. But there were also other reasons of growth as the role of education and work of international teams are very important in hospitality industry. During the last decades, the industry specialists have been trained by dozens of the best higher education institutions in Russia. Meanwhile, international top managers having learnt in Europe and the USA work at the market. The education is supplemented by the long-term experience of work in the Russian and international hotels. Owing to the management skills, clients from hundreds of countries of the world get excellent services in accommodation places and are interested in repeated visits.

As a result, we can see a successful hospitality industry which provides good quality services to foreign clients with any financial capacities. According to the Federal Service for State Statistics, the number of foreign citizens accommodated in collective accommodation facilities (CAF) in 2019 was 10855.97 thous. pers. showing the growth since 2013. Due to the spread of Covid-19, the value decreased up to 2159.24 thous. pers. in 2020, due to the pandemic and closing borders, the hospitality industry has become one of the most affected industries.

During the same research period, values at the medical tourism market have been also decreased. But the entry of medical tourists’ flow has never stopped which was provided by the removal of limitations for the entry to the Russian Federation for treatment purposes. According to the Coordination center in implementation of federal project “Development of medical service export” of federal state budgetary institution “Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, parameter “number of foreign citizens having treated in medical organizations of the Russian Federation, thous. of pers. with the rising result” was 3969.15 thous. pers. in 2020”.

In the statistical data, growth points can be found both for medical tourism market and hospitality industry. Partnerships of hotels and medical centers in the work with outpatients or persons interested in health promotion procedures are prospective and have a high potential.

With the growth of partnerships between medical organizations and companies of hospitality industry, any needs of patients will be considered which will help medical tourists to find more easily optimal package offers for coming to Russia for recreation, health promotion, treatment or rehabilitation.

Author: Marina Frolova

Photo of preview: ©Marina Frolova/MedTourBridges



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