In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” № 152-FZ, I hereby confirm my consent to the processing of my personal data by “MEDTOURBRIDGES” LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) including:

- name;

- surname;

- patronymic;

- email address;

- telephone;

- address for sending a response to a claim or application;

- personal data that I indicate in any form on the website with domain name, in a claim or statement sent to the Operator or during communication with the Operator at my own wish;

- personal data that I will transfer to the Operator as part of a contractual relationship;

- technical information automatically.

I give the Operator the right to carry out all actions (operations) with my personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, extraction, transfer (provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction. The operator has the right to process my personal data by entering them into an electronic database (database using the software of site, including them to lists (registers) and reporting forms.


I authorize the Operator to process my personal data for the following purposes:

- to give feedback to me, as well, for further conclusion of a contract or agreement;

- to enable me to use the services of site;

- to conclude an agreement with me and fulfill the Operator's contractual obligations;

- to send me the information about news of the site with domain name, about new products and services which it sells, or about the Operator's partners, including advertising;

- to send me a response to a claim or an application;

- for marketing research, for targeting conducted by the Operator;

- for the Operator to comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


The operator has the right to exchange (receive and transmit) my personal data with the mailing service, with the payment service using machine media or via communication channels, subject to measures that ensure their protection from unauthorized access, provided that they will be accepted and processed by the person responsible for maintaining the data confidentiality.

My personal data may be transferred to third persons or otherwise disclosed only with my written consent.

I give my consent while filling out the form on site, and it is valid until “MEDTOURBRIDGES” LLC is liquidated.

I reserve the right to withdraw my consent by drawing up an appropriate written document, which I can send to the Operator's address by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, or deliver personally to the Operator's representative against signed receipt, or send as a signed scanned copy to Operator’s email address

If the Operator receives my written application to withdraw the consent to the processing of personal data, he is obliged to stop processing them within 10 (ten) business days.

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